Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming - Annotated Bib

Wow, I was really impressed with the book The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming . Laurie David and Cambria Gordon do a fantastic job of explaining exactly what global warming is and the effects it has on our planet. I chose this book knowing it was a controversial subject that has to be taught without a bias. Honestly I was hoping this book would make it easier for me to understand what global warming is and prepare me for the time when I have to teach my students about the topic. The book beyond exceeded my expectations. The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming is inviting and engaging for students with it's awesome pictures and illustrations! Every topic discussed in the book is  is very easy to understand and is presented in a way to not overwhelm the reader. The most important thing that I learned from the book is all the many simple things I can do to help prevent global warming.... from re-using paper to saving energy this book has so much to offer it's readers!

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